[FREE] File LINE: Free Calls & Messages APK
App ID: jp.naver.line.android APK Size: -96816227 Category: COMMUNICATION LINE is transforming the way people communicate, closing the distance between family, friends, and loved ones—for free. With voice and video calls, messages, and a limitless variety of exciting stickers, you’ll be able to express yourself in ways that you never thought possible. Available all around the world, the LINE platform continues to grow, always offering new services and features that make your life more convenient and fun. ◆ Messages, Voice calls, Video calls. Enjoy voice and video calls and exchanging messages with your LINE friends. ◆ LINE stickers, emoji, and themes Express yourself just the way you want with stickers and emoji. Also, find your favorite themes to customize your LINE app. ◆ Home Gives you easy access to your friends list, birthdays, the sticker shop and various services and contents offered by LINE. ◆ LINE Timeline Share your thoughts and what you're up to with your LINE friends on...